The basic tenet of the group is that we are “Western chauvinists who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.” Like Archie Bunker, we long for the days when “girls were girls and men were men.” This wasn’t controversial even twenty years ago, but being proud of Western culture today is like being a crippled, black, lesbian communist in 1953.
The group started in the fall after congregating on Compound Media and laughing at the politically correct culture they insist we take seriously. What began as a few fans in a bar across the street from the studio singing “Proud of Your Boy” and laughing at the reparations videos of Gazi Kodzo soon became a bona fide men’s club with rituals, traditions, and even its own in-house court called “The Sharia.”
The Proud Boys confuse the media because the group is anti-SJW without being hateful. “Western chauvinist” includes all races and religions.
Check the “Join Us” and “Follow Us” tabs to find a chapter near you or start your own with our help.
Our group is and will always be MEN ONLY! (born and still with a penis) If you are a woman and you would like to be involved, marry a Proud Boy. Nobody wants men to be men more than the women who depend on them. “Proud Boys saved my marriage,” says PBG Gabriela Finch. “I was completely done with it, but he won me back and fought hard for it.”
The fact that this group has exploded so quickly is a testament to how completely finished young Americans are with apology culture. Men have tried being ashamed of themselves and accepting blame for slavery, the wage gap, ableism, and some fag-bashing that went on two generations ago, but it didn’t work. So they’re going with their gut and indulging in the natural pride that comes from being part of the greatest culture in the world. It’s very freeing to finally admit the West is the best. That’s because it’s the truth.
If you are looking to be a part of a revolution, you’re in the wrong place. We are a men’s fraternal organization. Our prime directive is making men better, by and through the veneration and celebration of Western culture and civilization through fellowship. Each chapter meets IN PERSON at least once a month and it is a requirement to attend. We have chapters in every state and on five continents. If you were born a man, and believe that the West is the best, then you have the only prerequisites required to apply to become a member of our fraternity.
Most News is FAKE, but once in a while they get it right. If you’d like to learn more about our group, check out this shit. POYB